
Previously on KICKING MY ASS!

A Snap Judgment

I just scanned The Substitute once or twice more and boy oh boy was that a great hour of television! Maybe the problems I have with the show are completely contained at the Temple. Let’s hope so. And let’s also hope we get a lot more Man in Black and Sawyer centric episodes. That was a lot of fun.

Also, let me just say, I don't think they're messing around with that stupid tagline: The Time for Questions is Over!

If you haven’t seen it, what are you waiting for?

Keep it up, Season Six!


PS: Here's a fun Lost Sporcle game for your Wednesday!

PPS. Who was that gosh darn kid who tried to tell Omni-Locke what he couldn't do? Any ideas?

PPPS. Claire's name "Littleton" is crossed out on the Wall. Yikes!

1 comment:

  1. If that kid isn't Aaron... well, then I'm completely certain about something and wrong again. Thanks a LOT, LOST.
